Saturday, July 14, 2012

How Do I Take Care of My Norwex Cloths

How do I use these cloths?
Our antibac microfiber cloths should be used with water only.  Our highly effective microfiber pulls everything off the surface being cleaned.  The silver instantly starts self-purifying the cloth so it is ready to use the next time it is needed.  Antibac cloths will be labeled as such on the Norwex tag.

If the cloth is not antibac (no silver) you may use it with soap. 

How do I care for these cloths?
After each use, all cloths should be rinsed thoroughly and hung to dry.  When the microfiber is full (you’ll notice it’s not picking up as much as it should) it’s time to wash it.  Wash all cloths in your washing machine on hot with low lint items (I recommend sheets).  Hang to dry.  Do not use fabric softener or bleach.

Can I use detergent with these cloths?
Yes, use a little bit of detergent in each load.  We recommend using a filler-free detergent (like Norwex UPP, of course!).  Once every month or two it’s a good idea to give your cloths a deep cleaning.  You can do this by boiling cloths (one at a time) for 10 – 15 minutes or putting them in a crockpot, on low, for 3 - 4 hours. 

Is my cloth ruined if I use fabric softener or they are washed with towels?
NO!  It’s easy to fix.  Boil the cloth or soak in a crock pot.  This will open up the microfibers, releasing the fabric softener or lint.  The only thing that can permanently damage your cloths is bleach.  

Please feel free to contact me with questions.  If your cloths are take care of properly, they will last for several years.

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